City of Orem - Quick-Pay
Special Notice: "Effective October 1, 2020, all utility customers that choose to pay their bill with a credit or debit card will be assessed a $3.45 convenience fee to cover the City's cost of processing the credit card. In addition to this convenience fee, a $500 cap will be placed on each transaction. Both the fee and the cap can be avoided by utilizing a bank withdrawal or another payment method, other than a credit or debit card."

Why is the City doing this? In the last 5 years, the city's credit card fees have risen from $150,000 to $520,000 annually. This type of increase is not sustainable. Making this small change has allowed the City of Orem to not increase any water or sewer rates during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.