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Park Facility Reservation City of Orem Park Reservation Agreement
1. This reservation permit is valid for the designated pavilion and designated times only. Other park amenities (playground, tennis courts, sports fields, etc.) are NOT reserved by this permit. They are available on a first-come basis if not reserved for city functions. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct live bands, DJ's, dances, concerts, movies, sound systems, microphones, speakers, amplified sound, etc. in or on any city-owned property. 3. It shall be unlawful for any persons to bring inflatables, bounce houses, blow-up slides, carnivals, rides, etc. in or on any City-owned property. 4. The use of park water for any purpose other than a drinking fountain (i.e., cooking, dunk tanks, water fights, water slides, water balloons, etc.) is not allowed. Water spigots/taps are no longer accessible to the general public. 5. Alcohol, drugs and/or smoking are not allowed in any city park at any time. Profane language, fighting, or gambling are not permitted on Orem City property ( City Code 13-1-9). The park curfew is between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. (City Code 13-1-10). 6. Vehicles shall be permitted only in designated parking areas. Private vehicles are not allowed to drive or park on the grass or sidewalks at any time. (City Code 13-1-6). 7. All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times and the owner is responsible for their cleanup. (City Code 13-1-7). 8. Skateboarding, golfing or ATV's/Motorized vehicles are not allowed in any city park. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to damage or deface any of the buildings, fences, or structures, to damage or foul any fountain, or to damage any tree, shrub, flower, or lawn located in or on any city-owned property or equipment. The repair costs and damages will be the responsibility of, and paid for by, the organization or person(s) involved (City Code 13-1-2). 10. Park reservations for groups of 250 or more people are considered a special event and must turn in a Special Event Request through the online city portal. 11. Park grass spaces are not reservable and do not come with the pavilion reservation itself. 12. Overnight camping and/or open fires are not allowed at any time in any city park or surrounding areas. 13. Fireworks, sparklers, open-flame candles are not allowed at any time in any city park. 14. Power capabilities are 15 amps per outlet. If outlets are overloaded, park staff may not be available to reset breakers. 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct any revenue-generating event in or on any city-owned property (City Code 13-1-4). 16. All requests shall be denied where the use in inconsistent with the proper and regular use of the facilities, or where the purpose is immoral, obnoxious, or injurious (City Code 9-2-8 through 9-2-12 and 11-1-3-B-28) . 17. The refund policy for cancellation and/or transfers is: 0-7days notice before event-no refund; 8-30 days notice before event-$5 cancellation fee". There is a minimum ($5) non-refundable fee for all cancellations and transfers after payment 18. Reservations made within 24 hours of the reservation date may not allow park crews time to ensure cleanliness and maintenance of the pavilion. 19. Please have a copy of the reservation permit form at the pavilion on the day reserved. 20. Notify the Orem Police Dept. (801-229-7070) if you have a problem with your pavilion reservation rights. 21. Once the payment goes through, the charge on your bank statement for the reservation will be shown as 'Orem Recreation Web Pay'. 22. If you belong to a non-profitable tax-exempt organization and you think that you do not have to pay tax, please click this link and upload your tax-exempt form. Once your tax-exempt form is reviewed, in the future when you reserve a park, you will have the option to remove the tax.  
  I am at least 18 years of age and I agree with the above terms in the agreement.
I Agree
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